Video Proves Illinois Neighborhood Invaded By Tons of Parakeets
If you live in Illinois and suddenly hear a voice above your head asking for a cracker, I think I know what's going on. A new video share proves that an Illinois neighborhood has been completely taken over by parakeets.
This new YouTube short doesn't mention where in Illinois, but I have my suspicions based on history. It's definitely Illinois based on the title and it's definitely a bunch of very loud parakeets squawking up a storm.
These birds became a topic on the Illinois sub-Reddit.
What is this bird? Seen in Chicago
byu/Joel_Hirschorrn inbirding
There is a feral population of quaker/monk parakeets in Chicago, Illinois and has been for years. There used to be even more parakeets in Hyde Park, but that population allegedly dwindled.
Can these Illinois wild parakeets talk?
Yes, they can. Not all parakeets say words, but the species is capable of repeating words they hear. This brings up a frightening scenario. Imagine a flock of wild parakeets only saying words they hear on the Chicago streets at night. It has the potential to be the biggest trash-talking vulgar bunch of birds in history and that's saying something. Talk about Wild Kingdom.
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Gallery Credit: HISTORY via YouTube