If you are looking to book a stay somewhere with historical status, rich history, and incredible views, then put down the Airbnb app and check out this hotel that was named the most legendary place to stay in all of Illinois.

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The Drake Hotel in Chicago was named the most legendary place to stay in Illinois according to reference.com. The Drake Hotel which is located along the famous Michigan avenue in Chicago is very deserving of this title in my opinion, the site says this to make its argument for the Drake...

"Who knew that the New Year’s Eve in 1920 would be the beginning of a legacy in Illinois when the Drake Hotel first opened its doors. You surely won’t miss this hotel since you can view it from over a mile away thanks to its signature neon red rooftop sign...Over the years, this prestigious hotel has attracted many visitors, including Marilyn Monore, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill, and even the pope. A hotel like this one will most definitely make you curious and unable to resist the urge to book a night or two there."

If you want to book a stay at Chicago's legendary Drake Hotel click here!

I have to say I have stayed at the Drake in Chicago one time and it was terrific, I definitely did not feel wealthy enough to be staying there. But in my defense I was in the executive suite with other groomsmen for one of my best friends' weddings, so no I wasn't wealthy enough at the time to afford where I was staying. Who knows maybe I slept where Churchill slept?

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