You just never know what you will find when you start digging. One farmer back in the 80s discovered a sunken steamboat and treasure aboard.

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No pirates were involved in making this story. Back in 1988 Bob Hawley was like any farmer getting his land ready to farm it, but what he discovered would change his life forever. An actual steamboat that had sunk in the 1850's According to Love Money, the boat had 200 tons worth of cargo when it sank in 1856.

Inside was 200 tons worth of cargo, which had sunk with the boat back in September 1856. In fact, so much treasure was discovered that the Hawleys founded the Arabia Steamboat Museum in Kansas City and have since collaborated with other treasure hunters in a bid to locate more lost steamships.

On the website, you can look at how the family dug up the giant ship and what they found when it was complete. The Arabia Steamboat was just one of 400 steamboats that sank on the Giant Mississippi River.

You have to wonder where are the other ships. Still, buried underwater? According to the museum's website, the cargo ship was carrying items for general stores and homes.

The steamer was still fully loaded when it hit a tree snag and sank just 6 miles west of Kansas City. Due to erosion, the Missouri River changed course over time, and the Arabia was buried underground for over a century – along with all of its precious cargo.

I have always wanted to get a medal detector and see what I can find in my backyard. You just never know what you will discover.

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